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Faded Bratz

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What is a brat? 

A brat is someone who doesn't live by anyone else's standards, only their own. This is the woman who plays by her own rules; confident, free, and empowered.

what do our faded bratz represent?

Our Bratz represent resilience. To be a brat is to be fearless, to be able to use your voice, love yourself, and be who you aspire to be.


    why is this significant in society?

    Growing up as a young girl, we are taught not to behave like a "brat". The word has always seemingly been used in negative contexts. We were taught from early ages to "be a good girl", in other words typically meaning to sit and look pretty rather than voicing your opinion or expressing how you truly feel. Unfortunately, in our society, a woman's value is generally based solely on her outer appearance. This is why bratz are so important in society; we defy the societal norms which expect women to sit pretty and quiet, ultimately expecting us to behave like dolls rather than actual human beings. 

      how is this significant to our brand?


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